WWF-NL Volunteers

Do you want to join our English-speaking volunteer team? Find out how you can make an impact, what we have to offer you and meet the team.

Meet the team

The WWF-NL Volunteers is a team of English-speaking international volunteers who focus on internationals living in the Netherlands. We interact with international schools and organisations to increase the awareness around the environment and the work that WWF does to increase nature in our environments. The team organise beach and forest clean ups, workshops around plant-based food and decreasing food waste and many school activities including talks about animals and nature as well as being involved in school fairs.

As we are based around the Netherlands we meet online and try and meet in person 4 times per year and also join the Dutch teams at the WWF head office in Zeist a to be inspired about nature.

What are we looking for?

  • Guest speakers
  • Activity coordinator
  • Volunteers in the Education and Communications Teams
  • Treasurer
  • Social media & PR coordinator


Join us!

Aanmeldformulier WWF-Regioteam

Voor welk regioteam wil jij je inzetten?
Wat zijn je gegevens?
Er is geen adres gevonden met opgegeven postcode en huisnummer. Controleer of dit juist is ingevuld.
Blijf op de hoogte!



Lees hier meer over de gedragscode en richtlijnen die WWF volgt. WWF hecht waarde aan de veiligheid van onze vrijwilligers en neemt misstanden en klachten serieus. Als je je aanmeldt als vrijwilliger stem je in met deze gedragscode.